Efficient Angular Prototyping

JavaScript came along way with little respect evolving to be a super-hero such that it wins the entire eco-system of front-end web development,

It is such that during it’s golden years everyone was annoyed by browser popup messages that made it completely irritating to use the internet on a 28kbps modem on a PC running Pentium II or lesser at the time, Internet is a highway today of super cars; performance is no longer an issue.

Efficient Angular Prototyping


Transforming digital age of technology since Y2K millennium a basic function was just that another procedure then Microsoft .NET 2.0 also gave birth to ECMA 262 standard of Jscript specification; our beloved JavaScript flavour got to see the light of Web Services through Jscript on the .NET Framework…

This is why Typescript was born out of a Shell of .NET Framework compiler for .NET JavaScript source file, Simply by running a few commands to compile your JavaScript files with “JSC Compiler” wrapping it with a Class syntax and Import keyword used one could use the entire .NET Framework with JavaScript even build Win Form Application into an executable .exe, “JSC” transition for full fledged web applications, Rapid Java Rhino was also gaining popularity that it was very easy to write Java Class files using JavaScript by compiling them with Rhino from Mozilla to get the resulting output of the class extension.

Where we are

Today we have various build tools such as Grunt, Gulp, Web pack which over complicates things for beginner web developers but once the developer hits the wall a couple of times the value is realized that time is saved through the use of obfuscations and minifications to deliver single files to the client browser and reduce the number of server get requests, with the SPA (Single Page Applications) which is a thing of the past that was done using XMLHttpRequest Legacy API to perform all the Rest API calls having this background makes future development approach of Modern day web applications very easy and enjoyable;


Programming paradigms for AJAX 2.0 is the core of Angular and other SPA driven architecture, Templates in Angular use AJAX in the background to request them via GET is this truly where we are back in the past again just like TypeScript and JScript.NET? The idea is to understand the fundamentals of DOM Manipulations in order to chunk content in and out of slots containers where an update is necessary with the browser event loop these AJAX requests bound to Event Listeners make an excellent Web 2.0 Application;

Angular 1.x introduced two way data-binding which solved a lot of issues where touching the DOM and browser inconsistencies where involved, Angular also presented a structured way of web development using core programming patterns such as Module Pattern, Module Revealing Pattern, Factories and Interpolation with DI Just like in Java, Dependency Injection is the key to developing business oriented applications;

Angular introduced version 2 which focused on components and isolated scope, state an answer to every developers prayers is to separate business logic and have project directories not scream “I am an angular App” but instead “Accounts, Invoices” let the app speak for itself.


A business stands to gain when choosing Angular as framework of choice, especially legacy version 1.x since it’s well documented stable and well understood by experienced JavaScript Developers as opposed to TypeScript on Angular 2.x or Later.

The Legacy LTS version of AngularJS 1.x has so many ways of doing the same thing but each with it’s own strength and levels of complexities, New startups can quickly see the positive change and value that the framework adds immediately because it’s an MVC framework also unit testable later other frameworks other than AngularJS try to adopt this way of development in small teams but even one developer can reduce the fatigue of development because Angular makes you focus on the real reason you are solving problems for clients which is making their lives easier and getting paid in the process addressing the challenges of these micro enterprises.

This post was contributed by Matyila who is an Angular enthusiast and writes articles on Angular Development.



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