Why Is Printing So Fascinating?

Ever since I was first introduced to the mechanics of lithographic (litho) offset printing, I have been fascinated by the whole process. I have watched with awe the layering of the four basic colours : Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (CMYK, with…

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Why Do We Need Printing Services?

In an age where the internet seems to be taking over most of the functions previously fulfilled through arduous searching in printed books, magazines and encyclopaedias, there is still a huge niche for printed goods. Whilst encyclopaedias may not…

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A Day In The Life Of A Publishing Intern

I am the luckiest woman alive. I have been accepted onto a two week internship with a global publisher. That's two whole weeks working with books - actual novels - and it's going to set me on the ladder, properly. On an actual step. This time. It…

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