How To Work In The Medical Industry Without A Degree

Perhaps you’ve just left school and you are wondering what to do next or maybe you are bored with your job and just fancy a career change. If you have been thinking of getting into the medical industry but the thought of years of hard study is putting you off – not to mention the expense of courses, think again!

Expand Your Skills With a Course

The medical industry as a whole is wide and varied and you can in fact have a career in the medical industry simply by undertaking a short course – saving you a lot of time and money. You can take courses in

  • Medical reception
  • Practice management
  • Health administration

How to work in the medical industry without a degree


There are many training courses available, one such organisation, the Medical Administration Training has been offering a range of courses in the medical industry for over 12 years. With courses including entry level style jobs that are great for women re-entering the workforce after having a family, or for those women wanting just part time or casual work that allows them to be flexible and work around their family responsibilities.

Why not start with medical reception – if you have never worked in this area before or you are returning to work, positions such as this provide job sharing capabilities and part time work, allowing women to ease back into the work force, giving them the time they need to also be with their family.

All Ages Are Welcome

Employees in this area are also very happy to take on older workers – they see them as being able to handle sensitive situations calmly and appreciate and understand the need for confidentiality while working in a medical environment.

9 times out of 10 employers will look for mature people who also possess good people skills.

For those who already have some office experience a Certification 3 in Health Administration could be for you. While those looking for work as a practice manager or supervisor should look into the Certificate 4 in Health Supervision course.

Typical students these days are aged between 25 and 50 and either returning to the workforce after having a family or are looking for part time work. From changing careers to having been made redundant and looking for a new start and a different career path – jobs in the medical industry are perfect, providing flexibility and chances for advancement along the way.

Training courses through Medical Administration Training – who have partnered with the South African Medical Receptionist Association can be completed online or as a paper course at the school’s classrooms in Cape Town. The South African Medical Receptionist Association is the professional membership body for the front office staff within the medical industry – which includes receptionists, secretaries, and administrators.

The South African Medical Receptionist Association works with employers to help find jobs for its graduates, so you can be sure a job you apply for through their portal is the right job for you and your skills.

Unfortunately while you can’t get help with VET fees through Medical Administration Training you may be able to get help with fees through a job search provider. You will find that the fees charged are quite reasonable and you are doing a course of training that gives you the qualifications that employers are looking for.

The employment prospects for graduates are very good after all the medical industry is here to stay, it is only going to grow and get bigger, there will always be work available, and if you have the right skills you will be snapped up for work quickly.

Some of the courses available through Medical Administration Training include

  • Keyboard skill and accuracy
  • Medical receptionist
  • Certificate 3 in Business Administration (medical)
  • Certificate 3 Health Administration
  • Medical terminology
  • Certificate 4 – Health supervision.


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