Interior Design Your Home Office For Peak Productivity

For those lucky, or unlucky enough, depending on your point of view, to work from home, they will understand that productivity can lag. The call of the dirty dishes or fridge full of snacks can pull you away from the tasks that matter; that is the work you do that pays the bills!  Productivity comes more naturally to some people, and for others, the struggle to focus is constant. But if working from home is your current employment model, and motivation is starting to wane, it might be time to interior design your home office for peak productivity!  The following five tips aim to improve not only your creative flow but also Feng Shui your living quarters.

Create a Space

Before assessing the elements that require the magic of productivity-targeted interior design, you need first to ensure that you have a space reserved in your home specifically for your work. The biggest threat to your daily yield is working in an unsuitable environment. If you are one of those remote workers that set their laptop up at the kitchen table, stop right now. You need a home office! Or at least a quiet nook that you can call the office and declare your own safe space. Once you have your hub, equip yourself with the basics, which is a suitable desk and chair.

Interior Design Your Home Office For Peak Productivity


Interior design projects can cause salivation in spendthrifts. The thoughts of decorating and redesigning can garner fantasies of shopping in luxury furniture stores. Before you get ahead of yourself, remember that productive people thrive in minimalist environments. Clutter causes chaos and not just literally. Think of how you feel in a messy room — confused, perhaps? Harnessing your creative flow is best done in a tranquil, clean, minimal space. So make a list of the absolute essentials for your office and stick to it.


To help you work effectively, bring some greenery into your space. Studies have shown that having plants in your home increases your capacity to concentrate. Maybe it’s something to do with their photosynthesis abilities; perhaps it’s something far less scientific and more of a placebo response. Whatever it is, we love that plants are boosting productivity because they also look fantastic in a room that is complemented by neutral tones. It is a dream combination for any contemporary interior designer!

Colour Palette

Keeping colours simple when designing your home office space is an obvious enough win when productivity is the objective. Crisp whites foster a sense of calm right? Well, it turns out when thinking of colour palettes, there is a little more to it than that. Pinks, greens and blues can play an important role in your office and for the following reasons. Pink promotes a sense of peace, and with peace comes clarity. Blue, on the other hand, represents logic and focus. Having blue in your eye line when working at your desk is bound to induce productivity; why not make one wall pop with a bright blue? Green represents nature, and nature is a celebration of life and revitalisation. If you want to feel energised, incorporate some green pieces into your workspace.

Art Deco

While it might sound twee, the incorporation of inspiring art pieces or visual representation of motivational quotes in your home office can increase your productivity. Having a reminder of what motivates you is really crucial when the daily grind starts to settle in. For some people, a picture of their loved ones is enough to motivate them. For others, a beautiful painting might drive them. Find out what it is that moves you, and then find out how you can integrate it into your home office.  Designing a space that promotes productivity is vital for all remote workers, but especially creatives. Some of the best pieces of written or visual content are bred from moments of optimal creative flow, and this type of flow happens in spaces that foster productivity.


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