Career Development And Your CV

Let’s face it – everyone has to work. And almost everyone has the same goals and aspirations when it comes to their career development. Most people want to get to a place in their life where they feel they are earning enough money and are content and satisfied with their career. Many also want to know that they are on the right path and always growing. This is why career development is something every employee should be concerned with. When you’re beginning your career or choosing a new career path it’s always a good idea to constantly tweak and update your CV or resume. Here are some tips for revamping your CV.

It’s amazing how people’s CVs often do not accurately reflect their true achievements. Many times these are things that you readily share with the people in your life proudly, but they rarely make it onto your resume. Sitting down and really thinking through your career life will help you focus your accomplishments and bring hidden wins to light. This is often the most important thing you can do to revamp your CV/resume.

Finding out the work and achievements that you’re most proud of can help guide your decisions. And when you’re interested in developing your career further, this is the best approach to take. It allows you to work towards goals that are relevant and important to you. A big part of effective career development is finding out what you enjoy doing, what you take the most pride in and what’s most important to you, and planning out how to fulfill all those feelings through growth in your career. Once you’ve come up with answers, it’s time to take a look at your current resume/CV.


When you do sit down to rethink your resume, it’s important to ask yourself several questions. Are you including the biggest achievements of your life that speak to your passions and career path? Is it relevant and current and does it look good? If you were an employer, would you hire someone based off of it? These are all questions that you need to consider to build a successful CV. When you’re thinking of what to adjust or add, try to focus on successes that can be measured somehow. Try to convey where a tangible and quantified difference was made because of your work or efforts.

Finally, it’s important to reflect for a while on your goals in life. Think about where you are now, and where you’d like to be as you grow along your path. This takes work, but is worth it. Knowing where you want to get to is the first step in any journey. Beyond this, do not forget about the basics. Make sure your name, contact information, skills, employment and education history is accurate and conveys your real strengths. It also has to look good so keep the style and formatting fresh and current. Also be sure to focus more on the most recent achievements and experience you have.

By doing this, you give yourself the chance to see where your career development work should be focused. It allows you to determine what you need to do and who you need to talk to in order to fulfill your goals. The real success of a career development initiative is to achieve contentment and satisfaction in what you do on a daily basis. Everyone wants to be happy with what they do and what they achieve. Developing your resume and CV are an important part of determining this and strategizing a plan of action.

Author Bio:

Pierce Boylin is an author and blogger who regularly contributes articles about career development for employers across the internet. He has an education in business and political studies and currently works in the marketing industry.


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