PlumbGuarantee is a 24/7 plumbing company established in 1994 in the Stellenbosch area.
We have a workforce of highly experienced tradespeople who specialise in all your water needs such as geyser installations & repairs, pipe repairs & installations.
Drainage system cleaning including high pressure drain cleaning, flood water extraction & moisture extraction services.
We service areas 25km from Stellenbosch and have clients as far as Gordon's Bay & Wellington.
We are equipped to assist with all your plumbing needs at any commercial or residential property.
We have a workforce of highly experienced tradespeople who specialise in all your water needs such as geyser installations & repairs, pipe repairs & installations.
Drainage system cleaning including high pressure drain cleaning, flood water extraction & moisture extraction services.
We service areas 25km from Stellenbosch and have clients as far as Gordon's Bay & Wellington.
We are equipped to assist with all your plumbing needs at any commercial or residential property.
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Suburbs Serviced
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch Central
- Plumbers in Stellenbosch Central
- High Pressure Cleaners in Stellenbosch
- Solar Panels Specialists in Stellenbosch
- Blocked Drain Plumbers in Stellenbosch
Stellenbosch, Western Cape, 7600