T-Shirt Printing Job - Kimberley, NC, 8345

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3 years ago
Location Kimberley, Northern Cape, 8345 View map
When ASAP, next few days
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Good Day

I trust you are well. Kindly provide me with a quotation for the following items:

1 x Netball ball
20 x Netball Design N4 Sublimated Dress Racerback

1 x Soccer ball

2 x Goalkeeper Jersey (two seperate designs are required to identify players on the 2 teams)

2 x Goalkeeper Shorts (two seperate designs are required to identify players on the 2 teams)

30 x Soccer Kits which includes the following:
Numbers 1 - 15 should be included on the front of the jerseys (10cm) and
Numbers 1 - 15 should be included on the back of the jerseys (standard 8")
(two seperate designs are required to identify players on the 2 teams - 30 kits are required - each team will have 15 players)

The request for quotations is urgently requested as the items need to be delivered on Wednesday 22 September 2021. Please contact me should you require any further information. Regards

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