Puppy 1 year old very anxious to be apart from his dad person ... Not sure how he reacts to children as he doesn’t have interaction with them so he gets excited and jumpy when he sees children. He has unpredictable nature
He was given to us when he was 4 months old
Jack Russell
Have had jr before fir 16 years no problem
This one is hard work. He us with us 24/7 work and home . When we come to Gouritz our holiday home he is very protective towards my husband and sometimes he growls and is aggressive to me but not normally, just if he is taken unawares by me . I walk him and he’s obedient. He is obviously insecure from previous owner / breeder . I don’t want him to bite anyone least of all a child . Sometimes I think he is a bit mentally odd ... Other times he is a loving quiet pup and effectionate . Overall an unpredictable nature easily scared and probably easily aggressive to protect my husband in particular. He is not so much with me only a little bit in the car . He wants to be friends with other dogs and normally is ok especially females. He is neutered now for 10 months.