Dog Training Job - Vanderbijlpark, GP, 1911

Posted by
Elmane H.
2 years ago
Location Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, 1911 View map
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I just want my big outside puppy to learn how to function in our home
To stop jumping on us (his nails hurt and shred our clothes)
To not go out the gate if it is open
I want him to learn how to ride in the car with us.


Just to show how big he is. I have no idea how to discipline him, he's only 8 months old but stronger than me
Just to show how big he is. I have no idea how to discipline him, he's only 8 months old but stronger than me
He jumps on anyone
He jumps on anyone

  • Just to show how big he is. I have no idea how to discipline him, he's only 8 months old but stronger than me
    Just to show how big he is. I have no idea how to discipline him, he's only 8 months old but stronger than me
  • He jumps on anyone
    He jumps on anyone

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