Good afternoon
I came across your website and your photos look absolutely mouthwatering. I am looking to source a new caterer so that I have a few to choose from depending on the event. We cater on a regular basis for just about every meeting that we have. Operations board meetings, executive board meetings, trust meetings etc. The total number of people for snacks (platters) will be between 10 – 12. The total number of people for lunch will be 14 for EXCO and eight for the trust meetings. For the trust and executive board meetings, we would need snacks and a catered lunch. Delivered to the same venue in Durbanville. For our operations board meetings, we would only require snack platters (I usually get two). We are trying to be on the healthier side. So, my current platters consist of cheeses, meats, nuts and biltong (price dependent) and of course biltong broodjies which seems to be a massive hit here. My second platter is then a mix of fruits and vegetables with some form of dip. Would you please send me a few options that would be viable for us? Thank you