Admin & Virtual Assistant Job - Remote

Posted by
Belinda F.
3 days ago
Location Remote
When Next few weeks
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10-16 hrs per week, 3-month trial period
General admin
Assist with meetings & presentations
Create newsletters & manage mailing lists (MailChimp)
Help put new client onboarding processes in place & manage them
Basic website admin tasks
Help set up Facebook & Linked-In strategy
Facebook & Linked-In content creation (Canva or similar) and posting
Help & encourage businesses to list on online directory

Person should be:
Tech savvy
Know how to use online tools or eager to learn how to use them
Interested in learning more about how AI can help streamline processes

Will suit a junior who is willing to learn.


I am a web designer and am scaling my business.
I am a web designer and am scaling my business.

  • I am a web designer and am scaling my business.
    I am a web designer and am scaling my business.

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