Working In The Telecommunications Industry

What is the Telecommunications Industry?

The telecommunications industry actually covers a wide range of areas – including – IP networks, media, cabling, switching, optical communications, transmission, wireless and RF. Thanks to advances in IP technology there is a huge demand for faster and better bandwidth for ICT communications – including:

  • Smart homes and home integration
  • Faster and more advanced broadband networks – such as the NBN
  • The growing use of social networking applications such as Face book and Twitter
  • The increase in use of VoIP, Smart Phones and IPTV
  • The new ways the media is being distributed via the internet

Working in the telecommunications industry

The NBN is the largest initiative being undertaken in the telecommunications industry right now to deliver high speed broadband to all South Africans. This requires the laying of fiber optic cabling to at least 90% of South African businesses, schools and homes with a network that can deliver speeds of 100 megabits per second, which is up to 100 times faster than internet users are experiencing today.

Cabling is now one of the major employment industries in South Africa.

– How do you become a registered cabler?

Any cabling work that is carried out – including data, telephone, fire and security alarm system cabling and any cabling that connects to a telecommunications network MUST be carried out by a registered cabler or the work has to be undertaken under the supervision of a registered cabler.

There are 3 main types of cabling work – open cabling work, restricted cabling work and lift cabling work. If you want to work on both residential and commercial properties you need an OPEN REGISTRATION. If you want to only work for small businesses and residential users you only need a restricted registration. For those working in the lift industry – you need a lift registration.

Open cabling work

This is any type of cabling work where the customers cabling ends at the network boundary and includes underground, aerial, structures, fiber or coaxial cabling work on a public or private property.

Restricted cabling work

Covers cabling work – including – in a small businesses or residential property – termination is on a socket or network termination device, where broadband or underground and aerial cabling has to be carried out on private property. Aerial cabling must not be used on electrical poles.

Restricted work doesn’t include – cabling work that requires sharing cable sheaths with other services, or cabling work between the compliant device and a patch panel or distributor.

Lift cabling work

Lift registrations are for telecommunications cabling in lifts or elevators


To become a registered cabler you have to take the required training course for the type of cabling registration you are seeking – lift, open or restricted registrations. There are a number of Registered Training Organisations (or RTO’s) located around South Africa who can help you with your training needs.

Training options and competency requirements

Now you have decided which type of cabling registration you want – you then have to complete the training course and meet the required levels to pass your course. You can contact your Registered Training Organisation to discuss your needs and any prior experience you have may be taken into account.

How to register

All cabler’s are required to register with an accredited ACMA registrar – each registrar will be able to advise you of fees and charges and how to apply. You will need to demonstrate competency requirements and sign a declaration stating you have the appropriate cabling experience before you can register if you want to prove a level of prior experience.

For more information contact The South African Digital And Telecommunications Industry for training opportunities in New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria. ISGM is launching programmes to provide those with the opportunity to enter the telecommunications industry.

What are your experiences in the telecommunications industry? We’d love to hear your comments below!





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