Nokuthula Investments And Services

Nokuthula Investments And Services

Nokuthula Investments And Services provides paving services in Vereeniging, Gauteng and surrounding suburbs.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should a customer hire you over another service provider?

We are customer oriented and believe in quality services. We offer highly competitive prices.

What experience, skills, qualifications or training do you have to make you the right person for the job?

We have more than 7 years experience in paving , tiling and tree felling. Ours is a team of well skilled and qualified professionals.

Is there a particular aspect of your trade or industry that you specialise in?

Paving Tiling

How do you normally charge for your service?

Paving and tiling normally charged per square meter.

What makes your pricing competitive?

We offer discounts

Are there any special offers you would like to offer to Uptasker customers?

Good discount from highly experienced professionals

How can a customer save money before you start the work? Please give 3 tips

-Compare various quotes for materials -ensure correct quantities in material to avoid buying more -determine specific quality of material eg relevant tiles grade

What are the typical things that you need to know before you can provide a quote to a customer?

Size of area to be worked Type of material to be used The ground status Distance from my area

Are you an insured business and do you guarantee your work?

We have a valid insurance and always give a guarantee to our customers.

What questions should a customer ask to hire the right service professional?

-Where have you worked before? -Can I contact your references? -Are you registered with any bodies?

What makes you the most reliable and trustworthy person for the job?

-Experience -References -Quality

Nokuthula Investments And Services

Vereeniging, Gauteng, 1939
