Joe Martins Carpets

Joe Martins Carpets

We are the most recommended door to door cleaning services in Port Elizabeth and surrounding areas.
At Joe Martins carpets we don't cut corners we clean them, so your mess is our mission.


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  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 1
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 2
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 3
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 4
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 5
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 6
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 7
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 8
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 9
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 10
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 11
  • Joe Martins Carpets portfolio photo 12

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should a customer hire you over another service provider?

We are the most recommended cleaning services in Port Elizabeth and surrounding areas

What experience, skills, qualifications or training do you have to make you the right person for the job?

We have above 10 years of experience in perfecting the cleaning industry

Is there a particular aspect of your trade or industry that you specialise in?

Carpet and upholstery cleaning services

How do you normally charge for your service?

The more items you clean the more discount you get from us

What makes your pricing competitive?

We don't charge an arm and a leg

Are there any special offers you would like to offer to Uptasker customers?

Spend up to R800 in cleaning and get your loose carpet or single bed Mattress cleaned for free

How can a customer save money before you start the work? Please give 3 tips

By booking in advance We don't charge call out fees except for those who are in uitenhage

What are the typical things that you need to know before you can provide a quote to a customer?

Whether they will be paying us in cash or eft

Are you an insured business and do you guarantee your work?

We are insured and we guarantee our services

What questions should a customer ask to hire the right service professional?

How long does it take to get dry How long does the whole process take

What makes you the most reliable and trustworthy person for the job?

We are used by big companies, Hotels, Restaurants, Hospitals, churches and other big businesses

Joe Martins Carpets

Walmer, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, 6070
