Isiqalo Surveying And Mapping Consultants

Isiqalo Surveying And Mapping Consultants

Land surveying company specializing in providing high accurate surveys in:

* Cadastral/ Title Surveying, including; Township establishment, Subdivisional surveys, Consolidation surveys, Servitude surveys, Relocation of property beacons and Closure of public places.

* Engineering Surveying, including; Topographic/ Detailed, Setting-Out, As-built, Monitoring and Construction surveys.

* UAV Drone Mapping, including; Topographic surveys, 3D models, Geo-referenced imagery and volumetric measurements.

* Other, including; Stockpile volumetric measurements, GIS and Remote sensing, Real estate imagery and video, and tailor made solutions.


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Isiqalo Surveying And Mapping Consultants

Mkhondo, Mpumalanga, 2380