Hout Bay Puppy School

Hout Bay Puppy School

Hout Bay Puppy School - Canine Africa is a FORCE-FREE, Scientifically Based Puppy and Adult Dog Socialisation and Training Academy. Our aim is to create a happy, enriched and emotionally well-balanced relationship between you and your special canine companion.
We train from a behavioural perspective focusing on creating confident, well-balanced puppies and savvy guardians who can read their dog's body language!
Our programme includes Socializing your puppy with other puppies, dogs and other animals, as well as humans of all ages, cultures and physical dispositions.
Habituation (Getting your puppy used to external stimuli)
Body Awareness and negotiating all different kinds of terrains, textures and environments.
Basic Training including Recall, Watch, Sit, Down, Give/Swap, Bite Inhibition, Handling of your Puppy, Toys, Nutrition, Time Alone & much more!
Let's set our puppies up for success! Let's create rock solid adult dogs!


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Hout Bay Puppy School portfolio photo 1

  • Hout Bay Puppy School portfolio photo 1

Hout Bay Puppy School

Hout Bay, Cape Town, Western Cape, 7806
