Benzi Motor Services

Benzi Motor Services

Benzi Motor Services provides mechanic & car service services in Siyabuswa-C, Mpumalanga and surrounding suburbs.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should a customer hire you over another service provider?

Because I know and understand my work.

What experience, skills, qualifications or training do you have to make you the right person for the job?

BSc degree in computer science Diploma in project management Garrett turbo certified

Is there a particular aspect of your trade or industry that you specialise in?

Engine motor, Starter and alternator

How do you normally charge for your service?

R450 per hour

What makes your pricing competitive?

It's about the quality of the service I provide

How can a customer save money before you start the work? Please give 3 tips

First check the issue of the car, compare prices before buying and the sort the problem

What are the typical things that you need to know before you can provide a quote to a customer?

Diagnosis first

Are you an insured business and do you guarantee your work?

Yes I do guarantee my work

What makes you the most reliable and trustworthy person for the job?

Been in this business for the past four years now. Check my reviews on my page

Benzi Motor Services

Siyabuswa-C, Siyabuswa, Mpumalanga, 0472