Yankees Projects is a team of professional redecoration renovations and refurbishments artisans who caters for both residential and commercial properties, transforming your imagination into reality. We are your Renovations & Alterations 1 stop shop offering :- PAINTING *Residencial & Commercial Painting. *Exterior Painting. *Interior Painting. *Pressure Washing. *Color Consultation. *Dry Wall Repairs. *Staining & Lacquer. *Airless Spray Painting. *Textured Ceiling Painting & Repairs. *Power wash services. *Stucco Coating. *Faux Finishes. *Metal eaves troughs (soffit). *Cabinet Painting. *Wall Paper Removal & installations. WATERPROOFING *Damp Proofing *Roof Restoration and Finishing. *Structural repairs *Advisory services *Surveying Reports *Advanced European and SABS Approved products....