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District Six, Cape Town, WC (6.5km from Wynberg NU (2))
Ceannaich JWH-018 Air-loidhne 99.8% purrachd cinnteach. Is urrainn dhuinn COA a thoirt seachad airson baidse sam bith de na ceimigean rannsachaidh againn! Spraeadh JWH 018 airson a reic JWH-210 JWH-250 Whatsapp: +4915212561255 Post-d: [email protected] Mus dèan sinn lèirmheas air JWH-018, bu mhath leinn artaigil soilleireachaidh a cho-roinn riut mu CBD. Tha CBD, goirid airson cannabidiol, na stuth synthetigeach bhon phlannt Cannabis sativa a dh’ fhaodar a chleachdadh cuideachd mar luibhean no mar leasachail, a rèir Leabharlann Poblach Leigheas na SA. Tha stuth cumanta ann a bhios a 'briseadh sìos ann am bathar leithid olaichean agus biadhan gus faireachdainnean fois...

Premier Homecare Agency

Rosebank, Cape Town, WC (6.8km from Wynberg NU (2))
For premium homebase care /home nursing Offering: 1.Post operation care 2.Diamentia Care 3.Child/baby care 4.Frail care 5.Palltive Care 6.Companion Care

Cape Care Agency

Cape Town, WC (7km from Wynberg NU (2))
Home care enables the frail, elderly or disabled client to continue to live independently in his/her own home. Depending on the individual needs and health needs of the client, care may be provided on a full or part time basis ie. from 3 hours to 24 hours per day. Clients and carers are assessed regularly and both receive ongoing support.