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What does a database developer do?

What databases are and why you may need one

Databases are everywhere. We use them every single day, without even realizing it (in fact, this very article you are reading right now is stored and served from a database)! A database can be thought of as a storage location for records that adhere to pre-specified structures called tables (almost like Excel spreadsheets).

A database can be queried using a query language (for example structured query language, or SQL, is very common). Whereas Excel allows you to filter and sort records (rows), a database can do this and much much more. Complex queries can be used to extract specific results of almost anything contained in your records base. This is generally useful for reporting and analytics, as well as generating business intelligence (BI) reports that can’t be seen with the eye when merely looking at your data at a glance.

How much do they cost?

Databases themselves are commonly free to install and use (open source ones like MySQL, MariaDB, ElasticSearch), although paid versions for large-scale applications do exist (Oracle, Microsoft T Server, etc). For most everyday applications, the free versions such as MySQL should more than suffice to your needs.

Database uses

There is very little in the IT industry which is not driven by some kind of database. Computer applications, mobile phone apps, web apps, cars and even appliances usually run on some kind of database. Phone apps for example often use a database called SqlLite, which is a smaller version of MySQL.

Whether you need to store financial, industrial, or simply web data, using an open source database such as MySQL is the perfect tool for getting the job done. Data can be queried to reveal all kinds of information - for example financial forecasting, or detecting customer churn (who do we need to target next so they don’t leave our business?), the list goes on.

Why do I need a database developer?

Learning the basics of SQL is not rocket science, but getting to know the full workings of a database takes years to master. Not only that but setting it up to start with can be tricky to the average man on the street. Database developers and software engineers very often work together (and in fact many software engineers specialize in database development as part of their core skills). A database engineer can take your business’s data analytics to the next level, by implementing useful reporting and business intelligence services to help you make better use of your data. 
Case studies have shown that the cost savings with improved business reporting far outweighs the cost of a database developer. Database experts are thus worth their weight in gold in terms of benefits brought to the efficiency of your business and sales team.

How to find the right database developer

Check ratings and trusted online reviews

Database installation, design and development is now such a crucial part of any business’s strategy that it is hard to imagine going without it. Paying more for the right (read: experienced) database developer will be worth it in the long run. While helping you keep your datasets clean and up to speed, make sure to check out the ratings and reviews of database developers in the listings on Uptasker.

Top database developer tips

Top database developer tips

Boost your business’s growth by adopting a strategy that involves smart reporting, or simply get a database developer to help fix your MySQL issues that are keeping your website or app from moving forward! Databases are at the heart of almost any successful business or system, and therefore the time and money spent on getting them right will be well worth the effort. Get a database expert to help get you on the right track today!

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