WordPress For Web Design Beginners

You have to wonder why you find a lot of beginner web designers using WordPress as their main choice?

Beginner web designers find it an easy platform to harness their abilities to start web design. It is user-friendly, especially if they aren’t good with coding.

Coding isn’t for everyone even when you studied for it and sometimes coding can go all wrong and you must start all over again. Although some WordPress themes require a bit of coding here and there. Most of the coding is already built-in for you, especially if you’re using themes with bootstrap and Html 5 built-in already.

WordPress For Web Design Beginners

Here a couple of reasons why using WordPress themes are great for beginner web designers:

Easy to customize WordPress themes to suit your needs

WordPress has many drop-down boxes and one-click options to adjust themes to suit what you require to customize a website. You can add a logo in minutes via the site identity tab. You can change theme colours with a click of a button and use the slider to adjust the colours to your liking. Add photo galleries and upload videos or insert YouTube links on pages. Add menus with ease, categorize your posts into different titles with a few clicks and change the fonts to suit your style.

Adding WordPress plugins to create functionality to your website and create an easy management system. There are thousands of options but the most commonly used are booking systems, contact forms, invoicing systems, payment systems, SEO plugins, and anti-spam to avoid unwanted emails or comments.

Need advice? Search Engines have the answers.

There are so many advice blogs and YouTube videos for WordPress that if a beginner is stuck and they need help that they can easily find the answers on the internet to fix any issues they are having.

WordPress has its own forum full of questions and answers where beginners can ask questions and get answers directly from WordPress or other WordPress users that may have had the same problem.

There is a lot of support for the WordPress platform which makes it an obvious choice for beginner web designers to make use of their system. It isn’t the only platform out there to choose from but because of the large support for WordPress, it is on the top of the list of website builders.

From Beginner to Pro

WordPress is the easiest platform for beginners to work with as it provides you with all the information and a solid scaffolding that you need to build an unbelievable website.

A lot of potential customers won’t even know the difference between a WordPress theme and a custom-built website. Due to WordPress’s highly customizable themes, you can truly make the website the way you want it to be.

Once you have mastered all the plugins, add-ons, style, customization and layouts, you are well on your way to making a name for yourself in your career. All you need to be focusing on then is the coding side and you could sell your themes on the WordPress platforms for other beginners to start using – this would be an accomplishment for any web designer and a route a lot of web developers take to earn extra income.

WordPress is a free platform to use, which is great for beginners who want to keep their overheads as low as possible while starting their own business. The only recommendation that we have is to register a domain name to use on WordPress, especially if you are going to be charging web design fees and you’ll go from beginner to go pro in no time at all.


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